DYSTEN manufactures devices of the highest quality on a repetitive basis. To ensure this, we also apply advanced methods of quality management – at the level of quality control, quality steering, quality assurance and total quality management.
Quality pays off
According to the principle of Walter Shewhart, higher quality ensures lower costs, which is particularly important in tender procedures.
The PN-EN ISO 9001 standard, which is applied by us on a regular basis, places a period at the end of our motto: We are strongly committed to understanding and meeting the needs of customers.
We care for continual quality improvement based on regular, objective checks and all our internal processes are included in the Deming cycle (Plan – Do – Check – Act).
What does PN-EN ISO 9001:2009 mean in practice
- control of documentation and records,
- engagement of leaders in the development and maintenance of the quality management system,
- systematising the managament of resources,
- defining the processes of products completion,
- systematic checks of devices, processes, and customer satisfaction.
The eight quality management principles:
Our operations are based on many principles. The most important for this standard are:
- customer focus (we understand that our market position depends on our customers),
- leadership (leaders develop the direction of the organization),
- engagement of people (this is our most valuable possession),
- process approach (the quality of particular processes allows us to maintain efficiency),
- systemic approach (proper quality is the result of understanding and control of all processes continuously interacting with each other),
- permanent improvement,
- evidence-based decision making (decisions are made based on the analysis of available information)
- relationship with external providers (ensuring mutually beneficial relationship with suppliers and service providers guarantees high quality for our organization).
DYSTEN has been certified to the quality management standard PN-EN ISO 9001:2009 following the certification process carried out by TÜV Nord within the scope of:
- design, manufacture and service of the installations of audiovisual systems,
- LED displays,
- LED passenger information displays,
- score boards,
- sound systems,
- time measuring systems.